Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Playing the Secret's Game - Original - Series [Chapter 07]

Aaralynn's phone beeped, indicating that a message has been received. Picking up her cell phone and reading a message, she sighed in relief. Noel has finally texted her! He didn't stand her up! Quickly, she skimmed through the text message.

'Saturday, 6 pm
Kelly's Diner
Do u want to be picked up? :)
Xoxo, Noel.'

Aaralynn texted back, declining the ride. Saturday is tomorrow. Aaralynn felt a need to tell Karista that Noel texted her at last and that's what she did. A moment later, a reply came. 

'Seeeee???? Isn't that great????? I am so happy and excited for you!! I am coming over 2moro to help u with a makeover <3'

Makeover? Aaralynn scrunched her face up feeling confused. Is that necessary?

'Is a makeover really necessary?'

'Yes! Of course!!"

Aaralynn just sighed, feeling dejected. When Karista sets her mind on something, she'll get it. It's how nature works. 


She set her phone down on her bed and begin to think. Although her date with Noel is tomorrow, her head is filled with Asche. Her heart was leaping for joy when memories of that day in the lake flashed by. She had caught a minor cold afterwards, but it's totally worth it. But the thought of Asche not being able to hear her confession of love brought regret to her. She had not dare to repeat it in fear of rejection.

Depressed. It's too depressing. When you love a person in secret and see him not knowing, it's too depressing. It's the worst kind of love. Unrequited love that is. You are left to wonder what he thinks. Does he love you too? Does he not? It's like plucking off petals from flowers all over again. Something Aaralynn thought was always absurd. She never thought the day would come when she would do the same. Sighing, she spent a sleepless night, tossing and turning in anticipation of the next time she would meet Asche.


Asche knew it was not possible. He knew there's no way a kind, loving girl like Aaralynn would ever like a creep like him, let alone love him. Love. It was an alien feeling to him. What does it feel like to love and be loved? Does he even know? If he doesn't, how will he know its love when the time comes? But Aaralynn said she loved him. Does she mean it? Or did she mistake her own feelings? Or was it Asche who mistook what she said? After all, the idea of someone loving him seems like a tall tale to him. Like it was something that only existed in fairy tales. True, he watched people from school go on dates and kiss. He watched parents and newlywed couples. But they all seem surreal. Like it was never meant to be there, but it did anyway. And maybe, just maybe, he might, just a little, a very little portion of himself felt for Aaralynn in a way that is totally new to him. He evolved this kind of protective feeling towards her, but at the same time, he wanted to hurt her so badly. Since the latter was something he was familiar with, it scared him how he can feel something so familiar with something so alien at the same time. Yes, mighty fearless Asche Faber was scared of what he feels towards a girl who is harmless to him.


Saturday evening rolled around. The sky was still pale pink from dusk. The sun is setting in the sky and people from all over town are busy getting home from work to dinner. 

Aaralynn studied herself at the mirror with Karista standing behind her. Aaralynn had on a short red tartan skirt and black thighs, crème coloured knee length boots, a light brown sweater, and a red scarf and beret. Karista then applied natural coloured make up on her and nodded approvingly after she's done.

Aaralynn agreed that Karista did a fine job and she hope it pleases Noel.

"Aaralynn," Karista said, "it's almost six-fifteen. It's time for you to go."

"Six-fifteen!!??" Aaralynn yelled, "He said to meet him at six! I can't believe I am late! It takes 20 minutes to travel to Kelly's!!" Aaralynn started to hyperventilate. "No! I need to call Noel and tell him I am sorry." She began looking for her phone.

"No!" Karista said, "You need to be late on your first date so you'll know if the guy is sincere in asking you out. If he is, he'll wait and won't get mad."

Aaralynn didn't get Karista's logic and she told her so.

"Look, Ari. First dates are really important and they are usually what lead to dates after. So you wouldn't want to end up dating the wrong guy. Let Noel wait and see what's his reaction is."

Aaralynn just agreed.


"I am sorry I am late," Aaralynn said apologetically. Noel looked up from his couch. His mouth dropped. 

"A-A-Aaralynn! Whoa! You look pretty! I mean, I must have sounded materialistic when I said that! But... But... I really think you're pretty no matter what anyways! Oh, what am I saying? Hi! Have a seat! You must be tired standing up!" Noel said in one go and then he hastily got up and lead Aaralynn to the couch opposite his.

Aaralynn chuckled. Noel sat back down feeling red and flushed in the face. He began to rub his hands together feeling nervous. Here is one of the popular kind girls in his school going out on a date with him and he has no idea what to say! Feeling like he can't be more embarrassed, he waved the closest waitress over. 

"Ready to order?" 

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